Video Consultations

NHS Near Me Video Appointments


Start Video Call

This service allows us to offer video consultations to patients when required.

Non-urgent advice: Notice


You can only access this service currently if you have been given a video appointment slot by one of our staff. If you attempt to access this service without an appointment, the appointment will be declined and you will be suspended from future access to the service.

NHS Scotland Near Me information

NHS Near Me Information Video

How to Use Near Me (Subtitled)

Attend my appointment or make a test call

If you are ready to attend your video appointment, or you want to make a test call before your appointment is due, click the start video call button below (please ensure you are using Google Chrome on a Windows or Android device, or Safari on Apple devices). If you make a test call this tests your device, connection, speaker and camera, it does not make a call.

Start Video Call

Attending an NHS Near Me Appointment