How to Arrange a Home Visit
Home visits are available, by arrangement, only for patients who are housebound, terminally ill or too ill to come to the surgery.
Where possible please telephone before 10.30am to request a home visit.
Further information about symptoms may be asked for by the receptionist to enable the doctors to determine the priority and timing of visits. Please do not send children to the telephone.
You will always be seen sooner if you can attend the surgery rather than waiting for the doctor to call. The surgeries are better equipped for examining patients than your home.
Non-urgent advice: Notice
Please Remember
The doctor can see five patients at the surgery in the time it takes to visit one patient at home. At home the doctor will only have limited equipment and it is often difficult to perform a full assessment of your condition. It is therefore essential that if it is at all possible that you attend the surgery to see the doctor.