There are four type of nursing service available at the practice:
Practice Nurses
Our Practice Nurses run the heart disease, hypertension, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, smoking cessation, well woman, travel and well person clinics by appointment.
Health Visitors
A Health Visitor is a State Registered Nurse who has undergone further training. They are based in the Health Centre and can be contacted by telephone on 01324 815 105.
The Health Visitor is in the front line of preventative care and the early detection of ill health, especially with young children and babies.
They may be able to help with family problems or enable you to find the right person for support or help you require. They are is concerned with the health of the whole community. They may work jointly with social work and / or community psychiatric nurses providing care for vulnerable groups or situations.
Treatment Room Nurses
The Health Centre has a fully equipped shared Treatment Room. A nurse is available to take ear syringing, injections, dressings etc. The treatment room nurse will only see patients if they have an appointment Referral to this clinic is made by GP only.
Mental Health Nurse
If you experiencing low mood, anxiety, trouble sleeping or controlling your emotions then the mental health nurse can offer an assessment, guidance, tools and support. They can also provide medication or refer you to specialist mental health services.
Clinics are run all day Tuesday, Wednesday morning and all day Thursday.